Reaching new markets through advisory network

A Darwin based boutique tech and cyber consulting agency is expanding its services into Indonesia with help from Austrade’s local and international network.
Sarawanan Nandhakumar owner of Connecting Dots champions the use of technology to support small businesses. He is also focused on positioning the Territory as a thriving hub for technology, digital innovation, cybersecurity and data analytics, including artificial intelligence.
Earlier this year, Sarawanan reached out to Austrade’s about expanding his services into international markets.
He was put in touch with the Northern Territory Government’s representative to Indonesia, Kukuh Saputro and Darwin based TradeStart advisor, Iain Forrest.
The Northern Territory Government’s representative to Indonesia position is an Austrade in-country partnership, connecting the Territory to an international trade network.
Kukuh Saputro is a seasoned consultant and researcher with experience in policy analysis, the energy sector, consumer goods and international trade.
Austrade also has a domestic network of advisers including Iain Forrest, who is the Northern Territory TradeStart Senior Trade Officer. The role is embedded alongside the Northern Territory Government’s Small Business Champions team and connected to a network of experienced advisors across Australia.
Iain has previously worked for NT Farmers Association and brings a wealth of business experience to the position.
Sarawanan said both Iain and Kukuh were thorough in understanding his company’s objectives and were very proactive in addressing out needs from the start.
“Kukuh was exceptional on the ground in Indonesia, scouting for companies and businesses that would benefit from my company.
“He managed to identify over 6 companies within 3 to 4 weeks and connected us to multiple start-ups and tech founders that can benefit from the use of our services.”
Sarawanan said Iain’s support was also fantastic and helped with organizing meetings with his Indonesian counterparts and provided invaluable advice to help expand his services to Indonesia.
“Iain has a thorough understanding of how the government machine works, and diligently followed up with Austrade colleagues across the country to identify other avenues to meet our objectives.
“Working with Kukuh and Iain has been exceptional, both have motivated and pushed businesses like ours to perform better on the wold stage,” Sarawana said.
If you are a Territory based business interested in expanding your business or services into new markets you can get in touch with Kukuh and Iain at