Charles Darwin University to Advance Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture

Charles Darwin University to Advance Sustainable Agriculture and Aquaculture

Charles Darwin University (CDU) has secured a $240,000 grant from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations to facilitate collaboration in tropical aquaculture and cropping systems for climate-smart sustainable agriculture and aquaculture production.

As one of only 27 recipients selected in the 2023-2024 round, CDU’s project stands out as the sole initiative based in the Northern Territory (NT), demonstrating our unparalleled expertise in this domain.

Led by Professors Chengyuan (Stephen) Xu and Sunil Kadri from CDU’s Research Institute for Northern Agriculture (RINA), the project will help address the opportunities and challenges of sustaining and developing the aquaculture and cropping sectors in the Territory to build collaboration and partnership with China.

Increasing the value and diversity of export products, growing foreign direct investment, and strengthening international engagement in priority markets, including China, are vital strategies for realising the Territory’s economic ambitions.

The adoption of climate-smart practices is critical to driving the transition to a more resilient, productive and sustainable agriculture and aquaculture industry in the Top End.

These practices integrate sustainable agricultural and aquaculture techniques with climate adaptation and mitigation strategies to build resilient food systems that are better equipped to face the challenges of climate change.

Enhancing trade through innovative sustainable agriculture and aquaculture is key to improving the environmental and social sustainability of production systems and increasing the economic well-being of farming and fishing communities. This can lead to more robust trade networks, better market opportunities for producers, increased global food security, and assist the Territory in achieving a $40 billion economy by 2030.

Our unique climate, vast land, and strategic location put the Territory in pole position to realise significant opportunities for growth in climate-smart agriculture and aquaculture.


First Nations agriculture development is a critical and growing area of focus that leverages traditional knowledge, promotes economic independence, and ensures cultural preservation while contributing to sustainable agricultural practices. 


This project will enable the Territory to strengthen existing ties and build cooperation with China in these areas of shared interest and mutual benefit.


To learn more, visit the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations website.

Page last updated 31 May 2024