Looking towards the future of tourism

Artificial Intelligence and technology advancements within the tourism industry were key themes at this year’s Towards Tourism 2030 Conference in Darwin and Alice Springs.
The conference, which was hosted by Tourism NT, provided an opportunity for the tourism industry to learn about new insights, national perceptions and from inspiring keynote speakers providing practical advice.
The theme of the conference was ‘leaps in innovation’ keynote speaker David King provided a fascinating insight into how tourism operators can use artificial intelligence (AI) and how it will change the business landscape in the future.
His interactive sessions with the audience also provided an opportunity for attendees to use AI in a range of scenarios including generating online content and responding to customer reviews.
Jessica Small from Trip Advisor continued the innovation and AI theme during her keynote speech. Jessica outlining how Trip Advisor uses AI to help business build itineraries.
Other speakers included Gus Balbontin, Tourism Australia, local tourism operators, Tourism Top End and Tourism Central Australia.
The Towards Tourism 2030 Conference provided a fantastic opportunity for local tourism providers to network with industry and stay up to date with the latest trends.
Keep your eye out for future Tourism NT events via the Tourism NT website.