Northern Territory nomination Subclass 888 Business Innovation and Investment visa (Permanent)

Update: Closure of the Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) nominations

Unexpectedly, the Australian Government has not provided states and territories with BIIP nomination allocations for the 2023-24 program year.

Therefore, the Northern Territory is not able to accept any application for nomination under BIIP and is not able to issue any nominations under BIIP at this stage. Existing applicants will receive correspondence with respect to their applications.

The Northern Territory Government continues to advocate for migration settings that suit the needs of the Territory.

Northern Territory (NT) guidelines for Subclass 888 Business Innovation and Investment visa (Permanent) nomination are as follows:

  • The applicant meets baseline criteria set by the Australian Government for the particular stream of visa.
  • The applicant continues to meet investment, business activity or entrepreneurial activity that they undertook to perform,
    any substantive change to investment, business activity or entrepreneurial activity has received approval by MigrationNT.
  • In the assessment of MigrationNT the investment, business activity or entrepreneurial activity continues to be of benefit to the NT.

Get the nomination form:

Subclass 888 BIIP (Permanent) nomination form PDF (61KB)
Subclass 888 BIIP (Permanent) nomination form DOCX (1.8MB)

Charles Darwin Centre

Page last updated 26 September 2023