How do I find out the status of my application?
Your online application identifies the status of your application. MigrationNT will contact you or your authorised representative via your online application’s message portal if further information is required and you or your authorised representative will be notified by email when a decision has been made.
How does the NT Government prioritise nomination applications?
MigrationNT generally assesses applications in order of receipt. Priority processing may be afforded where:
- an applicant is living in the NT and has an imminent visa expiry date within the next 30 days;
- an applicant turns 45 within the next 30 days; or
- an applicant will lose migration points (due to change in age) to below 65 points within the next 30 days, making them ineligible for a subclass 491 nomination.
If any of the above deadlines apply, please email with evidence of the urgency.
Does the NT Government invite me to apply for nomination from SkillSelect?
No, the NT Government does not offer invitations directly from your SkillSelect expression of interest (EoI). After lodging your EoI through SkillSelect, you must submit an application to MigrationNT for NT Government visa nomination.
Who can apply for NT Government nomination?
Any overseas citizen can apply to the NT Government for nomination of a subclass 491 or 190 visa through MigrationNT. However, to be nominated by the NT Government prospective visa applicants must meet NT Government and the Australian Government's Department of Home Affairs eligibility requirements.
What is the difference in nomination criteria between a subclass 190 permanent residence visa and a subclass 491 provisional visa?
Generally only applicants who have lived in the NT on a long-term basis and who are able to demonstrate a long term ongoing commitment to the NT will be considered for a subclass 190 permanent residence visa nomination. View additional requirements for onshore applicants.
Can MigrationNT provide pre-application advice on the likelihood that my nomination application will be successful?
No, MigrationNT will not provide pre-application advice or any indication of the chances of success to prospective visa applicants.
If my visa application is refused by the Department of Home Affairs can MigrationNT assist me?
No, the assessment and granting of all visas is the responsibility of the Department of Home Affairs. MigrationNT has no ability to intervene or influence the decision.
What is the cost of application?
From 9 December 2019 a fee of AU$300 (plus GST where applicable) will be charged for subclass 190 and subclass 491 nomination applications.
Is the nomination application fee refundable?
No, the nomination application fee is non-refundable. If you are incorrectly charged due to technical issues, please contact MigrationNT with proper evidence.
How do I know the fee has been charged and my application has been successfully submitted?
You will receive confirmation by email with a receipt for payment of the application fee.
How can I provide more documents after submitting my NT nomination application?
If further information is required, you will receive a message through the online application system with a link through which you can upload the requested documents.
If you need to upload more documents before your application is assessed, you can send us a message through the online application system. The case officer will then provide a link to upload the new documents.
How long is the nomination valid for?
If your application is approved, you will receive an invitation from the Department of Home Affairs to apply for the relevant visa.
You will need to apply for the visa within 60 days of receiving this invitation. Your nomination will not be valid after that period.
Can I submit more than one nomination application?
No, you can only submit one nomination application at a time.
Do I need to submit separate applications for subclass 190 and subclass 491 applications if I wish to be considered both?
No, if you lodge an application for a subclass 190 nomination and are found not to be eligible, we will consider your application for a subclass 491 nomination.
Can I lodge another application for nomination if my previous application was not successful?
Yes, however a new application is highly unlikely to be successful unless your circumstances have changed and new information is available. For example, you have received a job offer or a new English test result.
Application fee AU$300 (plus GST where applicable) will be charged for each new application.
I have already been nominated by MigrationNT, can I submit another application?
No, MigrationNT only offers one nomination per applicant.
What is the definition of full-time for the purposes of NT Government nomination?
At least 35 hours per week is considered to be full-time.
I want to find an employer to sponsor me, can you help?
No, MigrationNT does not provide a recruitment service and cannot assist you in finding employment in the NT. However we do have information on looking for jobs in the Northern Territory.
If I graduated in the NT but did not study in the NT for the full two years, am I eligible for NT nomination?
No. NT graduates are only eligible for nomination if they have completed two years of study in the NT. View additional requirements for onshore applicants.
Will I get NT nomination if I have completed two years of full-time study but I have not yet completed the course in which I am currently enrolled?
No, MigrationNT’s policy is not to nominate NT students unless they provide a letter of completion from their NT education provider at the time of application.
If MigrationNT approves my nomination application and Department of Home Affairs grants my visa, what are my obligations?
As part of the nomination process you will be required to sign a declaration committing to live and work in the NT for three years after your visa is granted.
After your visa is granted, you must email your NT contact details to MigrationNT.
This is a serious commitment, therefore we request that you carefully consider this obligation prior to submitting your nomination application.
After my visa is granted, can I find work outside the NT and transfer my nomination to another state?
No, by accepting NT nomination you make a commitment to move to the NT to live and work for a minimum of three years once your visa has been granted. The NT Government does not issue release letters under any circumstances.