


About Julie

It has always been my dream to go abroad, but never did I imagine I would be studying at a university in Darwin, Australia. It was my aunt and uncle who introduced Charles Darwin University (CDU) and Darwin to me. Upon hearing about it, I immediately started my own research, and I was fascinated with how diverse Darwin is, and it is even more beautiful in person. The orange sunset sand was surely a sight from the plane, and I knew then that I made the right choice.

For me to be qualified to study for a master’s degree in Australia, I need to take a four-month Master Qualifying Program that CDU fortunately offers. They have pathway programs that cater for the needs of international students like me, that address complicated concerns students may have. 

I am blessed to experience the vibrancy of Darwin, where animals and plants are well-protected. It is a delight to be introduced to the rich culture that has been preserved and is still practised to this day. Also, transportation is easily accessible to everyone, and buses have time intervals, which means I can get around Darwin and my school conveniently. It has only been a couple of months since I arrived but in that span of time, I have already met good people and explored other areas in Northern Territory (NT). 

To study in the NT is a huge opportunity to grow both in academics and non-academics. It is not just studying alone, but also enjoying every moment. Whenever I have time off from studying, it would only take a short walk to go to local shops or to other picturesque spots where I can take comfort from nature. Living here is pure joy as I am also exposed to other cultures since NT is a home of many ethnicities.