

Headshot of Chow sau
Headshot of Chow sau

About Kaylia

My name is Kaylia, I am a HongKonger. I am now studying nursing at Charles Darwin University. Studying nursing is related to my personality, as I like to help people and contribute to society. Hence, I have participated in many voluntary works in Hong Kong. My first Bachelor’s degree is in Psychology and the knowledge I gained in this course could be an advantage for me to be a psychiatric nurse in the future.

There are several reasons why I chose to study in Darwin. First of all, the university, Charles Darwin offers a quality education. Second, Darwin has a warm, tropical climate like Hong Kong, which is perfect for me. Third, Darwin is a unique place which is quite distinctive from other cities in Australia, in terms of Aboriginal and multicultural environment.

I have enjoyed my time in Darwin so far. I have made a lot of new friends and have received tremendous support from Charles Darwin University. I believe that I will continue to have a wonderful time in Darwin.