

Portrait shot of Yingying
Portrait shot of Yingying

About Yingying

My name is Yingying and I am from Beijing, China. I started my master's degree in IT at Charles Darwin University in 2020. As we all know, Beijing is a very prosperous city. I was born with a passion for adventure and a love of nature. I'm tired of the hustle and bustle of this city, which makes me want to explore a completely different world. The Northern Territory fulfilled my wish.

The Northern Territory is a mysterious area. Contains primitive and diverse culture. This makes me very yearning. Only a few weeks after arriving in Darwin, I had to marvel at how well the city blends modernity with primitive colours. Here, the Aboriginal culture is well protected, which adds to the style of the city. I am very fortunate to have come here to study and live.

I think I will cherish the time to study at Charles Darwin University in the future and spend more time to appreciate the beauty of the Northern Territory. And I hope more people will experience the awesome experience of the Northern Territory.