


About Katarina

My name is Katarina, I am from Slovakia.

I got a Master of Social Work from my country in 2014. Shortly after I got my degree I finished an aged care course and worked as a support worker in Germany followed by a social worker in Slovakia.

My journey in Australia started in 2017, my original plan was to come to study English for one year. Shortly I recognised I just fell in love with this country and I worked as a support worker almost two years in Sydney. During this time I was working with elderly and disabled people as well. I finished my Certificate III Individual Support in Aged Care in Sydney and continue in Darwin.

The reason because I left Sydney is I was looking for a place, where I can improve my skills, get more different experience and get new challenges. I would like to study aged care because I really love my job and I want to be as good as I can and support my clients as best as possible.