

Headshot of Dayam
Headshot of Dayam

About Dayam

Hi! My name is Dayam. After finishing year 9 from St Francis College (North India), I moved to the Top End of Australia to pursue my high school studies with Darwin High. My brother, who had been living in the Territory for the past few years, encouraged me to move to Australia for better opportunities and better future prospects. I am deeply inspired by him.

Darwin is a lovely place to live and it is full of wildlife and natural beauty. I am slowly exploring the places and enjoying the new experiences. The staff at Darwin High are very caring and supportive. Their unlimited guidance and tremendous support have made my international student transition smoother. I am still learning lots of new skills and facing challenges in my day-to-day life. It is helping me become more independent and confident to live without my parents. Schooling at Darwin High enables me to interact and learn with other students from across the globe. It has given me the opportunity to learn about different cultures and values.

I follow a lot of sports but cricket is my favourite. Recently, I have joined the Nightcliff Cricket Club where I get to meet with people of my age group and beyond. I also had the chance to watch the Australian Football League (footy) with my brother. It seems like such a popular sport here and I am very keen for a kick in the coming season.

I am amazingly thankful to Study NT for awarding me a scholarship, which will assist me financially and reduce the pressure of a part-time job. Now, I can focus more on my studies. I would highly recommend anyone who is willing to move to Australia for further studies to consider Northern Territory.